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Ekata Theatre

Unbelonger is a physical piece about cultural difference and a young person's struggle for identity in a judgemental world. It premiéred at Voila! Europe Festival 2017 in Applecart Arts in London. It was textless, featuring an ensemble who created the environment of the principal character. They used gesture, handheld lighting and breath.


I created a virtual instrument on programming interface Max/MSP, which allowed me to control the sound design using motion-capture. This was used to play melodies on synthesised tuned percussion using motion-capture, as the video above (or here), but also to intuitively control shifting atmospheres. See below (or here), where I'm using subtle movements to adapt sine tones, synthesised voice and manipulated voice recordings. I did it this way so I could embody the physicality of the performance on stage within the soundmaking.


For the sound material, I worked closely with the company to generate a composition which was sonically and conceptually aligned with what Ekata Theatre were trying to achieve. I used recordings of the performers' breath and voices, which were analysed and resynthesised into the design. Apart from the magic gloves, I also used a hacked joystick and an mpd midi controller for drumming and operating. The idea of doing it live and performatively was in order to match the elements of improvisation and the conceptual body within Unbelonger. It also meant I could be on stage, which, if I'm honest, is my favourite place to be.

Applecart Arts, London (November 2017)


More: Unbelonger 2017 | Ekata Theatre

Directed by Erika Eva

Produced by Cyle Conley

Performed by Yaxi Cheng, Liliane Laborde-Edozien, Severine Fletcher, Lin YiJing and Margherita Deri.


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